Schedule of events for the week of isolation and treatment
(notes taken by Tammy at my Drs. appointment-She has been my secretary, babysitter, coach and wonderful friend through all this "drama")
November 13th: Meet with nuclear medicine for a consultation.
November 17th (Tuesday) at 10:50 a.m.: Report to Emory Clinic division of Endocrinology for first thyrogen injection.
November 18th (Wednesday) at 10: 50 a.m.: Report to same place as Tuesday. Get
second thyrogen injection. Following the injection, go to the Emory Clinic Laboratory on the first floor of building A to have lab work drawn. You need to take the lab sheet and the second sheet they gave you from today (NOV. 13th). Lab work they will do includes the following: preg test, TSH, thyroglobulin, thyroglobulin antibodies and BETA HCG.
12:30 p.m. Go to the Department of Nuclear Medicine for the I-123 dose. This is put into your body for the next day so they can see where it settles…hopefully just in your neck.
Go to hotel Wednesday night. Make sure your room is set up for what you need. Make sure you have snacks, drinks, and food that you can eat. Make sure you have everything you need laid out for the following day because it will be a long day and very early. Eat something that night because you will be fasting the next day.
You and Nick go up to the hospital.
November 19th (Thursday) at 8:00 a.m.: You cannot eat four hours prior to this appointment. Go to the hospital for the I-123 scan. This will tell them where it is settling and how much of a dosage you need.
Therapy follows at 9 a.m. The doctor you saw Nov. 13th suggested 150 regardless. You cannot eat two hours after this treatment to ensure it does what it needs to!
You go back to hotel and rest. You may feel nausea from diet, stress, having salt when you haven’t had it for so long.
November 20th (Friday): Doctor suggested you stay in hotel three days AFTER treatment…that is until SUNDAY! You can go home three days after your treatment BUT you still have to use one bathroom no one else uses, sleep alone, wash everything you touch, wash everything separate from the families, use disposable utensils.
November 22nd (Sunday): You return home.
November 24th kids return home: You can't hold girls for prolonged time or contact…no shared drinks, utensils, etc. until the 30th.
November 26th Thanksgiving Day! Stay on your diet…no exceptions…it helps the RI not get confused and focus on what it needs to get!
November 30th (Monday) at 8 a.m.: Return to Nuclear Med Dpt. For your body scan. This will tell you if it did its job.
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