Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I had the opportunity to talk to the doctor (Dr. Chen) today. She is my surgeon at Emory. I think that she just decided that she needed to call and reassure me! It works for me! Random questions continued to pop in my head throughout the day, and on top of that, I am trying to remember the answers, what to pack, what to do, and of course, chase my two little girls.

She said that I will have a total thryroidectomy...I'm not even sure that's how you spell it, but that means that she is removing my thryroid completely. From what I understand, that involves my thyroid on both sides and in the middle. She is also removing some lymph nodes in my neck for sampling (to check them for cancer). Dr. Chen also said that she will remove anything that looks supsicious, so hopefully just the thyroid, the mass, and the lymph nodes. Personally, I think that's plenty, and I am just hoping that I still have some stuff left when I get out of there!

It sounds kind of scary, but from what I understand, she will make a cut at my lower throat (like where a short necklace would fall on your throat/neck) in order to do the surgery. They are allowing my husband, Nick, to watch the surgery from an observatory room. I bet most husbands can't say they've seen their wives necks or throats cut open. Well, I hope they can't! It'll be an experience to say the least!

Now, the most difficult part for me today has been trying to keep track with the details. The details of surgery; the details of recovery; the details of preparing; the details of making sure my girls are taken care of; the details of getting my house ready; oh, so many details seem to be making my head even more fuzzy.

I did find out some wonderful news...at least for me! I know that after removing my thyroid they will have to put me on a special diet (which involves a life changing experience in and of itself! No preservatives...low sodium...no yummy food basically!). I will also have to take a pill daily. Also, I will have treatment following recovery of the surgery. Back to the wonderful news! I have been savoring anything salty and sweet that I could get my hands on the last few days thinking this was the end of a glorious relationship with these foods. However, after talking to the doctor from what I understood...I can continue my regular diet through recovery, which will be to about the end of October. Bring on the food! Then, when treatment begins and my body begins to recognize the loss of my thyroid, I will have to begin the serious, strict diet for the 4 weeks before my treatment!

So, just to provide you with an update-Tomorrow is my surgery. I have to be at Emory at five am, yikes, that's early...and my surgery will actually begin around 7. I was told it was on the 3rd floor at Emory Hospital. I'm hoping I will just stay up all night and then just crash tomorrow after the surgery. From what I understand, I will be pretty tired
for a few days following surgery. The surgery should take a few hours. Then, of course, 2-3 hours of recovery time before I am placed in a room. I'll be released Thursday.

After being completely covered in prayer by my sweet friends, I am reminded of how peace surrounds us when our focus is on God and not ourselves. This is the beginning of a whole new chapter of life, an ongoing journey of God drawing me closer to Himself. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me!

That's all that I can think of for now. Check back to see further updates...my mom, sister, and friend Tammy will be keeping it updated for me over the next few days. Thanks again to everyone for your prayers and support. Feel free to leave comments, I'm looking forward to reading them, blogging is new to me!


  1. Brooke,
    I had no idea this was going on. You and your family are in our prayers as we aren't going thru the same thing as you,but as w/Anna Marie (my niece)& her -Intercranial Hypertention. Alot of good days & bad. Remember to give God the glory & control over everything & yes that is easier to say than do, but God wants us to totally rely on him & trust him no matter what comes our way. My heart does ache for you & can't imagine everything you are going thru. Thank you for sharing this part of your life w/us. And you,Nick & the girls are in our prayers as you each will be going thru this. May God give the strength to endure this. Our prayers are w/you. I know we aren't close but if there is anything you need,please don't hesitate to call. We understand it can be hard to ask for help,but sometimes you just have to. No matter what it is. Have a good evening & keep your chin up:) Lisa & Andy Batten

  2. Brooke,
    I am glad you have a blog to post updates. We are praying for you today, especially!

  3. Brooke,
    I am reading this 15 minutes before your surgery, I went to sleep last night thinking about you and praying for you and again now. You have a smile that lights up your face and i pray you will keep that smile. I know you are in God's hands and am so thankful that you have such wonderful support from your family friends and church family!! I will continue to pray for especially you but also for nick, the girls and everyone helping you during this time.
    Margie Gibson
    (Kelli's mom)
