I talked to Brooke last night and today...and she sounds WONDERFUL! She is in good spirits and ready to go home. I don't think anybody can relax in a hospital. Last night, they gave her morphine and perkiset?-Your guess is as good as mine on how to spell that! So, needless to say, they were trying to make her comfortable. I think she said that she had gotten sick a few times, it hurt to talk, and just generally I think she felt pretty rough.
This morning, she said that she had walked around, drank some juice and water, and still felt drained when she talked. Her calcium levels were a little off so they did more bloodwork and wanted to monitor her a little more before they let her go home. The calcium has something to do with the thyroid...she can better explain that sometime later. She was originally suppose to be discharged about eleven...so, I think she is very, very ready to go! It sounds like it will probably be more this afternoon before she leaves. She said the doctor told her this morning that they were glad to hear her talking (it sounds like she has a sore throat when she talks right now) because they literally had her vocal chords and voice box in their hands at one point. The dr. said they tried to be very careful, but they literally had to take it all out and put it back in because the mass was pretty large and all around everything else.
Anyway, she sounds really good. Her mom sounds great too and is managing the home front right now. She said the girls were doing well, and she was on the way to get Laney from school. So, hopefully, Brooke can get some rest and lots of TLC when she gets home. It sounds like her body is going to recover slowly but her mind is running circles...we'll all have to make sure she slows down for a while and give her mind and body time to catch up with each other!
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