Tonight, we went to our Christmas Eve service with our two young girls. I was told this was kid friendly, but was still leary of what might happen. Well, both the girls ended up making a scene and we ducked out early. We were all hungry, tired, and irritable! Nick made the comment that every Christmas Eve we eat chicken and dumplins. Well, that sounded like a great tradition to me, so we headed over to Cracker Barrel...it was closed! Then we went to another similar "southern cooking" place, but they didn't have our dumplins. Our plan had changed, we were all ill and our eyes landed on the Chinese resturaunt next to our house. Chinese on Christmas Eve? This was different, but we laughed about it and went on in. The food was TERRIBLE, I mean really bad, Hallie was crying. But in the midst of of the chaos, our oldest daughter made friends with the owner's daughter. It was so sweet to see how quickly they became friends and although they couldn't speak the same language, they sang and danced in circles, even played chase...in the resturant. We quickly left there and went home to make Jesus's b.day cake and eat some real food.
But, to me this night was such a sweet reminder of how children see the good even within the bad, and just ENJOY LIFE!! I am glad we went to this place, I know it will NOT be a tradition in our house, but it is now a memory and one that we will tell our girls and laugh about in years to come.